Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Fun in Greenville

It is always a treat to go and visit family. Allie and Brianna call my parents "Nana" and "Papa." This was easy for them since these were some of the first sounds that they made as babies. When visiting Nana and Papa, you never know what you are in for! What you do know is that it will be an adventure! This past time, we did everything from visiting Great Mommie to find the mice on Main Street. The girls simply enjoy being with their family. If you tell them it is an adventure, they are ready. My favorite adventure in Greenville was taking the girls on the trolley ride. (This is a free service offered on the weekends, so go and check it out!) Midway through the ride, Brianna looks up at me and asked if we could live there tomorrow. I think that was her way of telling me she was having a great time and wanted to come back.

We should all just slow down and enjoy the ride that the day brings us. Take each moment for what it is worth. Wave to the little girls who are waving to you from the trolley; you have just made their day and they probably made you smile in return!

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